Dr. Maria Telkes: Google pays a doodle tribute to the ‘Sun Queen’ on her 122nd Birth Anniversary!

Dr. Maria Telkes: Google pays a doodle tribute to the 'Sun Queen' on her 122nd Birth Anniversary!

On 12th of December Google dedicated a doodle to Hungarian-American biophysicistDr. Maria Telkes. Popularily known as the ‘Sun Queen’, Mária is recognized for her remarkable work in the field of solar energy. She also stands as one of the pioneers regarding her contribution in on solar thermal storage system. As Google pays tribute to the biophysicist on her 122nd birth anniversary, let’s take a look upon her career and contributions to science.

Dr. Maria Telkes: Google pays a doodle tribute to the 'Sun Queen' on her 122nd Birth Anniversary!
Google paid tribute on 122nd birth anniversary!

Dr. Maria Telkes was born on 12th of December,1900 in Budapest. Her B.A. degree in 1920 was followed by a Phd in 1924 from the University of Budapest. She then went to the United States of America and accepted the post of a biophysicist. Maria Telkes became an American citizen in 1937. Dr. Maria continued her career as a member of the Solar Energy Committee at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). During World War II, she was called on by the US government to help develop a solar distiller that turned seawater into fresh water. This life-saving invention was used by soldiers stationed in the Pacific Theater.

Dr. Maria Telkes
Dr. Maria Telkes holds a place in the National Inventors Hall of Fame!

Once the war went off she then returned to the US and worked as an associate research professor in 1945 in MIT. Three years after the war Maria worked with architect Eleanor Raymond to create a solar-heated home that could heat itself without electricity. This is when they got their popularity and the term “solar energy” became popular. After working in MIT, she later joined the New York University, where she worked on a solar-powered oven. The oven allows people to prepare warm meals without the need of electricity. And this invention continues till date. She rested peacefully in the age of 94, amid her first visit to hometown after moving to the US. Dr. Maria was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in the year 2012 for her outstanding work and remarkable contribution in the field of Science.


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